Inter-gang violence: humanitarian consequences

Monitoring Publications Rapports d'enquêtes

I. Summary tables

Displaced from the metropolitain area10 000
In need of humanitarian assistance in Martissant et au Bas de Delmas60 000
Host families (Port-au-Prince and province)5 100
Carrefour Sports Center1 500
Deaf-mutes at the municipal school of Pétion-Ville500
Table 1 : Number of displaced people
1Exposure to Covid-197Insfficient food
2Lack of privacy/intimacy protection8Insecurity
3Risk of rape9Psychosocial needs
4Lack of hygienic material10Need for recreational areas
5Need of children food11Need for recapitalization
6Lack of beds (40% sleep on the floor)
Table 2 : Issues in Carrefour

References: Cardh/local authorities/United Nationss

II. Introduction

  1. The latest hostilities between the Ti Bwa gangs of Grand Ravin and Village-de-Dieu, which were expressly unleashed on June 1st in Martissant, and those of Bas Delmas and Cité Soleil, are continuing and have had enormous consequences both on human rights and at the humanitarian level.The police is powerless and has become a target: at least five (5) police officers were killed, three (3) of whom were burned to death, several others were injured, two (2) disappeared[1], six (6) police stations and police posts were taken hostage, and their weapons and equipment taken away.
  2. It is the “consecration of the reign of generalized criminality[2]. In addition to the human rights violations (1), which are often highlighted, particularly the deaths, it is important to focus on the humanitarian consequences (2), as displaced people live in inhumane conditions and must be given special attention. In addition, those who are still under the control of gangs must also be considered.

III. Human Rights : deaths

  1. From June 1 to 6, more than twenty people were victims of the clashes in Martissant, some of whom were thrown into the sea: approximately 7 deaths on the main road, near the church of Sainte-Bernadette; 12 in Martissant 2A (coastal zone); several other deaths, some due to lack of care (Doctors Without Borders in Martissant 25 at the heart of the clashes) from Martissant 1 to 23, passing by the Ravine Breyard bridge[3]. In Cité Soleil and its surroundings, at least thirty people lost their lives. Provisionally, at least sixty deaths in the metropolitan area during the recent clashes[4]. Beyond this alarming report, what is the humanitarian situation?

IV. Consequences and humanitarian needs

  1. From June 1 to 15, clashes in the metropolitan area displaced approximately 10,000 people[5].  Nearly 2,000 from Martissant, including about 1,500 at the Carrefour sports center (507 boys, 582 girls, 426 minors, 50 infants) [6].
  2. In addition, hundreds of displaced persons from Chancerelles, from the Gonaives station and from the deaf-mute camp on the former civil aviation runway (Delmas 2), chased by bandits[7], have taken refuge in the military compound. Five hundred (500) deaf-mutes have just been relocated by the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Disabled Persons to the municipal school of Pétion-Ville (Delmas 103).
  3. According to UNICEF, 5,100 people (including 2,095 women and 2,199 children) have taken refuge with host families in various areas of Port-au-Prince and other provincial cities. In their host families, women and girls are already being subjected to sexual abuse[8] and other forms of modern slavery. In Martissant and lower Delmas alone, 60,000 people are in need of humanitarian assistance[9].
  4. The fundamental need of the displaced persons is to return to their homes. Together with local authorities and the humanitarian system, the state must work on a medium-term plan to achieve this.
  5. However, there are urgent needs, although the support of local civil society and some national and international humanitarian institutions has been important. For example, agents of the Center for Analysis and Research in Human Rights (CARDH) visited the center of Carrefour to observe the state of the displaced population and exchange with local authorities, in order to alert national and international opinions.
  6. Exposure to Covid-19. Crowded like sardines and living in promiscuity, the displaced are exposed to Covid-19, whose Brazilian and English variants are spreading in Haiti (361 deaths to date). There is a need for an awareness campaign on Covid-19 and protective gear (masks, hand sanitizer, water, soap…).
  7. Protection of privacy. The center is not designed to accommodate these hundreds of displaced people, the women have no place to bathe, change their clothes… A reorganization is therefore necessary.
  8. Risk of rape. While recognizing the good management of the center by the local authorities (Carrefour City Hall), the risk of rape is obvious, especially for adolescent girls and young women, who have limited means.
  9. Hygienic materials. Displaced persons need hygienic materials to prevent infections and the outbreak of infectious diseases (cleaning; disinfection; preservation).
  10. Food for children. There are 50 infants in the center. The food available is not adapted to their needs. Being more vulnerable than others, they need special care.
  11. Beds.  More than 40% of the displaced sleep on the ground, with pregnant women, children (especially infants) and the elderly being given priority to a bed.  They are in pain, and some are facing coagulation problems. This problem needs to be addressed.
  12. Food. Approximately 3,000 meals are distributed, two meals a day, to help the displaced persons survive.  Since the food is not of the required quality, after a month, we will have to think about more appropriate food (quality).
  13. Security. There is also a need for security, especially in the current context. While recognizing the difficulties that the police face, they must accompany the local authorities to provide security for displaced persons who may be doubly victimized at any time.
  14. Psychosocial support. Traumatized by this extreme violence affecting their body and soul, the displaced population needs psychosocial support for a gradual recovery.
  15. Recreational areas. In addition to psychosocial support, the displaced persons also need recreation for their development.
  16. Recapitalization. Already living in extreme poverty, these people have lost everything they had. They need economic support.

[1] On the evening of June 5, bandits stormed the police stations of Drouillard (Boston gang led by Matias) and Duvivier (Ti Whatson installed by Andris Iscar, Bellecourt gang leader), killing the divisional inspector, Adolphe Miradel, who was in charge; then the police station of Cité Soleil (Andris Iscar). The next day, the Portail Saint-Joseph sub-police station (krache dife gang) was stormed.  Three police officers were killed: Dévil Peterson (Ex Politour/22nd promotion); Jean Pierre Sylvert (Ex Politour/25th promotion); Gay Jean Frantz (17th promotion).
On June 17, Limage Gasley, Agent 1 of the Special Forces (CIMO) was hit by several bullets from Barbecue’s men and died in the evening at the Bernard Mews Hospital. On June 18, Police Inspector Emmanuel Silencieux Jeanty was shot and killed on the road to Frère, Commune de Pétion-Ville.  Another police officer was murdered in Portail Léogane. Update on June 22.
From January 1 to June 21, 2021, 29 police officers were murdered – some mutilated and then burned – two (2) disappeared, four (4) kidnapped, tortured and released for ransom, compared to 26 for the year 2020.

[2] Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l’homme (CARDH) : « Haïti : Hégémonie de la criminalité et responsabilité de protéger », 16 June 2021.

[3] Additional details will be published on those killings

[4] Updated on June 22.

[5] UN OCHA « Haïti : Déplacements causés par la violence des gangs à Port-au-Prince, rapport de situation n°2 », 14 June 2021.

[6] Local protection committee for Carrefour

[7] On June 17, bandits set fire to the camp.

[8]  “Fleeing gangs, thousands of Haitians uncertain about their future. Displaced people are being sexually abused, including raped in host families, with some being forced to offer sex for shelter” Tweet by Amelie Baron, journalist for RFI in Port-au-Prince, from TV5 Monde article: “Fleeing gangs, thousands of Haitians uncertain about their future

[9] UN OCHA « Haïti : Déplacements causés par la violence des gangs à Port-au-Prince Rapport de situation n°2 », 14 June 2021

Une femme âgée crachant leur colère et responsabilisant le président Jovenel Moïse
Reportage sur la sur les déplacés
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Interview du directeur executif du CARDH avec le journaliste Roberde Celiné( Bob C)
Interview du directeur executif du CARDH avec le journaliste Roberde Celiné( Bob C)
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