Bodies and functions

Le Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l’homme (CARDH) is made up of two types of bodies: decision-making bodies, consisting of the General Assembly and the Executive Board; and technical bodies, consisting of the Human Rights Defence Committee, the Scientific Research Division and the Human Rights Promotion Unit.

1. Decision-making bodies

1.1. General Assembly. Consisting of the Executive Board and other organs, the General Assembly validates the decisions of the Executive Board, except in cases provided for in the Charter and internal regulations.

1.2 Executive Board. The Executive Board defines the main lines of work of the organisation with a view to promoting its smooth functioning and implements the recommendations of the General Assembly.

2. Technical bodies

2.1. Scientific Research Division. The Scientific Research Division is the body responsible for carrying out scientific and academic research in CARDH’s field of work.

2.2. Human Rights Promotion Unit. The Human Rights Promotion Unit is responsible for promoting human rights at the national level. It organizes training and teaching sessions on human rights.

2.3 Human Rights Defence Committee. The mission of the Human Rights Defence Committee is to intervene when human rights are being violated and to define monitoring programmes with the support of other bodies.

N.B. Other bodies may be established according to the needs of the organization.